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For the first time, this data update also offers a glimpse into projections of poverty by sex at $3.20, $5.50 and national poverty lines, revealing interesting patterns. For example, in Latin America and the Caribbean, only 2.2% of women and girls live in poverty at the $1.90 poverty line, but this share rises to 30% when national poverty estimates (anchored to a specific threshold of median income of the country in the measurement/projection period) are used. In all regions of the world, female poverty rates are higher than male poverty rates in at least one poverty threshold ($1.90, $3.20, $5.50 and national poverty line).

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Globally, roughly half of working age women participate in the labor force, which is significantly lower than the male labor force participation rate of around 80%. This gap is virtually unchanged from what it was three decades ago. And there are sizeable differences in the level of female labor force participation across regions. Moreover, women tend to face inferior income opportunities and on average earn less than men. Explore more aspects of female labor force participation through this data story.

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In two columns (on June 8 and June 15) for the New York Times, Tierney argues that men outnumber women at the extreme ends of the intelligence bell curve. Though the sexes may cluster around the same average intelligence, men are more likely to occupy the very highest (and lowest) percentiles in tests of mathematical ability. Maybe this, not gender bias, is the invisible force holding up science's glass ceiling.

I was obsessed with astronomy as a child once the obligatory dinosaur phase passed and used to attend math enrichment camps over the summer. As I grew older, the number of girls dropped off from outnumbering boys to being vastly underrepresented. What happened? Even winning all the science fairs in elementary and junior high didn't stop my teachers from pushing me towards English because I was moderately more literate than peers and happened to read a lot, even if it was mostly nonfiction. Can't tell you how many times I endured older men comment about how few girls are "interested in that sort of stuff." After joining Robotics after school, my male teammates either harassed or excluded me until I quit the next year. Who can really blame the women so annoyed by this persistent condescension that they lose interest?

It's the same flawed conclusion as putting the shoddiest electronic model in pink casing, then determining from poor sales that women just don't like technology. It's the way you don't appeal to women beyond low expectations and mild curiosity that they don't involve themselves in the sciences. It's the way you conveniently ignore Arete of Cyrene, Rosa Luxemborg, Lise Meitner, Hildegard von Bingen, and all the others to present its history as exclusively male. Emilie du Chatalet was a lot more than Voltaire's lady friend and posessed an intellect to rival his own. (Same difference with promoting mythical matriarch Betsy Ross over Mercy Otis Warren.) Women didn't roll out of bed one day in the 80s and decide science was fashionable.

I completely agree. The cultural angle is proof that gender gaps have a huge social component. The Gender gap is much smaller in Asian countries and the top girls there tend to out perform our top males.

I recently heard that in the UK girls routinely out perform boys in science and math. Conversely British boys out perform their female classmates in literature (and possibly history). Culture does play an important role in determining achievement among socioeconomic groups.

The truth for both art and science is that women have been, and still are, systematically discriminated against in these fields, and centuries of male supremacy are attributed to genetics instead of the legal and cultural restrictions that have been considered "normal".

The problem is the way we educate the youth in The USA. Our nation has lost its footing in education and is failing its children in many ways. In particular we are doing a terrible job with white male youth from low to middle income families. The pendulum of focus has swung to the extreme and it is time for a centered approach on many fronts concerning education in The USA.

I don't know if it's still true today, but 10 - 20 years ago, it seemed that many women teaching math in elementary schools disliked math and passed that on to their female students either consciously or otherwise. I tutored many students in remedial math back then and many of the women confirmed this early dislike.If this is still true today, it needs to be addressed.

As noted in the main story, "...the gender gap widens and narrows in perfect harmony with the strength of a nation's implicit biases." In societies where abuse of women is regarded as "proper treatment," even being encoded in laws that favor keeping males in power, it's only natural that abusers will rationalize their bullying with nonsense claims like, "Females are not as intelligent." I think we can demonstrate that only someone lacking intelligence would make that claim.

First, I will withhold complete judgment until I have the opportunity to read both Mr. Tierney's articles. Second, I'm wondering whether his articles were written with a sort of reverse psychology--i.e., that by saying women aren't smart enough, he is hoping he will elicit the opposite response. (Perhaps I'm being too naive and hopeful myself, however.)Third, I was never gifted in math or the sciences. In many ways, I wish I were, for I remember star-gazing as a child and hoping that I would someday be an astronomer or astronaut. And yet, I do have at least a little facility with language, including some more technical aspects of grammar. In my field (editing; in particular, medical and scientific manuscripts), you see anecdotally, at least, that a majority of people in all echelons are female. I would like to make the argument that high achievement in language, technical editing, technical writing, and grammar--not just the traditional "hard" sciences--could also be used as yardsticks to measure the mind's ability to think rationally and scientifically, if you will. (As a side note, it might also be beneficial to look at the yearly national Spelling Bee and Geography Bee winners. Not only are the winners usually children of Asian descent, but it is important to also note that a number of girls have risen through the ranks to win these competitions.)Finally, I agree with previous posters (and original article) on at least three crucial points: (1) a mathematical test is not the sole indicator of one's intelligence in the sciences or otherwise (2) women even today are expected to, and often do, leave the workforce should they decide to have a family. I'm sure there's at least a little loss there, in terms of women not "rising to the top levels" of their scientific fields because they've had to re-enter or leave the workforce; and (3) women (and men) in different societies or cultures have different achievement levels in the sciences (and other fields, too). I attribute the third to the United States' coveting and enshrinement of stupidity--who here in the United States was ridiculed in school for making good grades, loving to read, enjoying learning, or winning awards in school? (This would not happen in many other countries, such as China, Japan, or India.) And who was held up as a hero for making the touchdown, scoring the goal, knocking that baseball over the fence, or, to shift focus, for just being "handsome" or "beautiful" or popular enough to be the prom king or prom queen, respectively? 041b061a72


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